Monday, January 18, 2010

What if you knew the day you were going to die?

Death is something we all must face. Some die old and gray and others young and unexpectedly. Nonetheless, well all die. That is just something we must accept. My question is if you knew the day of your death would you live your life differently. Would knowing your death date make the world a better place? I cannot speak for everyone but as for myself, I would live every moment up until that time to the fullest. I would not have lazy days where I just laid around all day and did nothing. I would spend as much time with loved ones as I could and not take anything for granted. I would make sure that my time on Earth was spent doing things I love with the people that mean the most. I would try something new everyday and try to shrug the bad things aside the best I could. It seems as if I would live a better life having known my expiration date but like all things, there would be its downfalls. Knowing your death date would make you realize that your time is limited and you should make the best of it but at the same time it steals away from the beauty of the unknown. One thing about life that is so great is that you never know what turns lie before you. You think you have everything planned out and then out of nowhere life happens and your left there to deal with it. As frustrating as it may be sometimes that's just life. So in a nutshell, if I knew the day of my death I would live life to the fullest and notice the smaller things rather than over look them as I do most of the time now but be forced to do so with the burden of a time limit.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting idea.. I was sucked in and it made me think deeply about what i would do if i knew my death date. Great Job!
